Principle 17 presents Alternative Vision on Trans* Healthcare

Principle 17 presents Alternative Vision on Trans* Healthcare

Today, Sunday 18 September, the collective Principle 17 presents the report “Trans* Healthcare Differently” (Dutch: Trans* Zorg Anders), an alternative vision on trans healthcare in the Netherlands. Chair vreer verkerke hands over the first copy to a prominent representative of the trans community at the Trans Healthcare Now demonstration in Nijmegen.

There is a lot wrong with how gender-related healthcare is organised in the Netherlands. This has a lot to do with the outdated, cisgender normative view on transgender people. A major stumbling block is the need for a psychiatric diagnosis in order to gain access to physical healthcare. This ‘inspection psychologist’ is unique in the Netherlands: only transgender people have to prove that they are mentally competent in order to receive physical healthcare.

This situation not only violates internationally established human rights of transgender people. (Human rights to which the Netherlands has committed itself and says they follow these.) It also causes extremely long waiting times in trans healthcare. At this moment, the waiting time for an intake at the Amsterdam UMC, the largest provider of trans healthcare, is over three years. This situation takes human lives!

The trans community is increasingly objecting to this practice, but so far the situation has not significantly changed. Each time, the situation is temporarily resolved with patchwork or half-hearted policies, but structural solutions are not forthcoming. A few providers say they want to do better, but show only marginal evidence of this. Meanwhile, the trans community is mainly concerned with their own healthcare needs…

In the report “Trans* Healthcare Differently”, an alternative vision on trans healthcare in the Netherlands, Principle 17 examines the state of affairs, both in the Netherlands and internationally. The collective describes how good trans healthcare on the basis of human rights and good examples from abroad can be designed. The report ties in with authoritative organisations such as Transgender Europe, and good practices around the world: the United States, Spain, Argentina and more.

In short, Principle 17 recommends a radical change in trans healthcare in the Netherlands: healthcare in which the healthcare recipient is central. Ultimately, only trans healthcare based on strong informed consent is the right way, in which the healthcare recipient determines what suits them or not. And what about the infamous regret? Everyone regrets decisions or interventions they have made.

The report “Trans* Healthcare Differently”, an alternative vision on trans care in the Netherlands, is primarily intended for the trans community. It provides information about and arguments for good trans healthcare, so that we can discuss amongst ourselves how we think our healthcare should be. Principle 17 believes it is important that there is more awareness that trans healthcare can be improved, and that we as a community can ask for that.

In addition, Principle 17 is happy to enter into dialogue with stakeholders in order to jointly improve Dutch trans healthcare.

Rapport “Trans* zorg Anders”, een alternatieve visie op trans zorg in Nederland” (pdf, 68 pagina’s, 4 MB)


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