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Hormones & self-medication
For some trans people, the waiting times are too long. They cannot wait 5 to 6 years before they are ‘allowed’ to start their medical treatment. In that case, it is good to know that there are other ways. On this page: Hormones via the GP There are now 300 GPs in the Netherlands who…
How do you take more control during your medical transition?
In Dutch trans healthcare, there seems to be little room for the personal input of trans care recipients. On paper, it is reasonably well organised, but in practice it is often more difficult. Many trans care recipients experience medical treatment mainly as ‘a series of hoops’ that you have to ‘jump through’ in order to…
alternatieve visie alternatieve vision Canada community control council eigen regie funding gemeenschap genocide human rights iCD ILGA internationaal LHBTI mama cash mensenrechten Nederland Netherlands onderzoek overheid rapport report subsidie Transgender Europe transgenderzorg trans health care trans rights map transzorg trans zorg