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Educational tour through the Netherlands: trans care workshops prove to be very necessary
In November and December, Principle 17 delivered five workshops with the theme ‘Trans health care, but differently’. During this tour, we met over 40 people, each with their own questions and concerns. All participants were explicit about one thing: trans health care in the Netherlands needs to be much better! All the workshops started with…
What care do you need? And are you able to get that?
With these questions we like to talk to members of the trans community in the Netherlands. Our impression is that as a trans person you often have to pull to get complete and relevant information from healthcare providers. And you have to do your best to keep the assessment as light as possible. Principle 17…
alternatieve visie alternatieve vision Canada community control council eigen regie funding gemeenschap genocide human rights iCD ILGA internationaal LHBTI mama cash mensenrechten Nederland Netherlands onderzoek overheid rapport report subsidie Transgender Europe transgenderzorg trans health care trans rights map transzorg trans zorg