
  • The Netherlands discriminates against transgender people

    The Netherlands discriminates against transgender people

    Transgender people have lesser rights than cisgender people Every year, Transgender Europe publishes the Trans Rights Map. This annual report shows how European countries are doing concerning human rights of transgender people. Our country is doing poorly: we score only 15 out of 30 points, an embarrassing 50%. The Netherlands shares position with countries like…

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  • Principle 17 publishes first survey results on Depath Day

    Principle 17 publishes first survey results on Depath Day

    For the International Day of Action for the Depathologisation of Trans* Identities Principle 17 publishes the first results of the survey on experiences in Dutch transgender health care. The whole report will be published one of these days. Research shows respondents are wary of of the enormously long waiting times of often around a year…

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